Now and Soon

Veka Livet - A Melancholy Divertissement 
Melancholia, The Black Poets and music from the 1600 is the starting point for this new work in progress. Initiated by Annette Taranto and in joint creation by participating actress Lena Nylin, singer Annette Taranto, viola de gamba Mime Yamahiro, renaissance lute Sven Åberg, playwright Barbro Smeds, scenographer Elisabet Yanagisawa and choreographer Anna Källblad. Work-in-progress STDH February 27 2012. Premiere August 10 2012 at Bucky Dome Moderna Museet. Bucky Dome Moderna Museet

Olive Tree
Film in collaboration with Anette Taranto. Exhibit at Mångkulturellt Centrum Botkyrka September 2012.

Alby (working title)
Public out door installation in collaboration with Tove Axelsson and Malin Lobel. Commission by Jord-nära, Angnes Fisher and Botkyrka kommun. Exhibit 15-23 september 2012 in Alby.